
India Travel Hints and Tips- Proper Guide to visit India


India Travel Hints and Tips- Proper Guide to visit India   

Everybody who has been to India will warn you about its touts and scams. Be wary, but don’t let it ruin your trip.

If somebody tells you a hotel/restaurant/shop doesn’t exist anymore due to fire, earthquake, because it closed down, or simply vanished into thin air, don’t believe them! They may be trying to lure you to their hotel/restaurant/shop because they receive a commission. Always check for yourself, chances are it is still where it always stood.

Always haggle! If you are going to buy something, you will always be quoted ten times as much as the item is actually worth. Start with a ridiculously low counter offer, and keep smiling and laughing, but remain firm and go up very slowly. Another trick is to walk away, that will mostly get high sellers to drop the price quickly. Always remember it is more of a game, so try not to express anger or over-excitement.

Most visitors will be stared at in India. You will be stared at on the streets, in the restaurants, in the trains, buses and planes. Sometimes people may touch your skin or hair to see if it is real.

Women are advised to be wary of very crowded and very empty places. Rape and sexual harassment are unfortunately major problems that have hit global news more frequently in recent years.

Indian food is mouth-wateringly delicious! To minimize the chances of getting the “Delhi Belly” go to restaurants and street stalls where lots of locals go. If there are lots of locals it means the food is probably good and cheap. Remember that most Indians are vegetarians so a smart thing to do is to be vegetarian too, even if temporarily, as it will lower the odds of getting sick.

The positives far outweigh the negatives in India. Please be aware of the negatives, but don’t let them deter you from going to this marvelous, one-of-a-kind country!

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