
Fairy Pools at the Top, Isle of Skye, Scotland


The Isle of Skye, what a stunning place! It’s been the host shooting location for many popular movies in recent decades, with the most recent addition being the summer blockbuster Prometheus, which featured Skye’s jagged hills and the Old Man of Storr.

Another must-see in Skye are the famous fairy pools, which gets attention from all over the world. One blogger, Francesca Harper, recently went there and reported of her memorable trip:

 After thinking what it was about Skye  that made it so much magnificent, I realised that, compared to most parts of England, the landscape is completely untamed. You don’t get the feeling it’s ever been farmed or maintained apart from a few tell-tale wire fences and the white spots of the grazing sheep. You get the sense that all the Scottish folk tales could just as easily be written today as they were 300+ years ago.

Why not go to the Travel Patch website to read Francesca’s post in full, or alternatively, try read up on our guide to the things you can see and do in the Isle of Skye.

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