grand canyon

Grand Canyon Wild life – Animal in Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon Wild life – Animal in Grand Canyon Scientific Name Ovis canadensis nelsoni Identification Muscular body with chocolate brown fur. They have white fur around the muzzle, rump, and belly. Rams (males) have large curved horns that can reach 3 feet in length. Females have short horns with only slight curvature. Bighorn are the largest native animal in the park, with rams...



Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park  The road to the Grand Canyon from the south crosses a gently rising plateau that gives no hint at what is about to unfold. You wonder if you have made a wrong turn. All at once an immense gorge a mile deep and up to 18 miles wide opens up. The scale is so vast that even from the...



Angkor, Asia Travel- Hints and tips for Angkor Temple

Angkor, Asia Travel- Hints and tips for Angkor Temple If you really want to discover Angkor, then you will have to stay in Cambodia a week or longer. The preserved temples are layered with history, the rule of kings and an interesting blend of Hinduism and Buddhism. The temples themselves are a visible interpretation of the holy world. The whole of the temples...


Amazing places to visit

Travel Hints and Tips for Central America Caribbean

Central America Caribbean Tours and Travel Central America is a narrow isthmus of land connecting North America to South America. The North Pacific Ocean lies to the southwest, the Caribbean Sea lies to the northeast, and the Gulf of Mexico lies to the north. Most of Central America rests atop the Caribbean Plate. The region is geologically active, with volcanic eruptions and earthquakes...


a visit to india

India Travel Hints and Tips- Proper Guide to visit India

India Travel Hints and Tips- Proper Guide to visit India    Everybody who has been to India will warn you about its touts and scams. Be wary, but don’t let it ruin your trip. If somebody tells you a hotel/restaurant/shop doesn’t exist anymore due to fire, earthquake, because it closed down, or simply vanished into thin air, don’t believe them! They may be trying...


a visit to india

India – Tour a visit to India

India – Tour a visit to India From the foothills of the Himalayas to the backwaters of Kerala, the slums of Calcutta or the ashrams of Rishikesh, the ghats of Varanasi to the beaches of Goa . . . India will fascinate, shock and excite. Fascinating with its myriad cultures, its penetrating smells and colours, its intensity of life, its many Gods and...



Iguazu Falls, Argentina Attractions| Things to do in Iguaza Falls,Argentina

One of the world’s biggest and most beautiful waterfalls, Iguazu Falls is one of Argentina’s prime tourist attractions. Each year, thousands of visitors make their way to the falls to get a glimpse of one of nature’s most beautiful sites. Made up of 275 individual waterfalls, Iguazu Falls is one of the biggest and most famous waterfalls in the world. Recently chosen as...


Amazing places to visit

Fairy Pools at the Top, Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Isle of Skye, what a stunning place! It’s been the host shooting location for many popular movies in recent decades, with the most recent addition being the summer blockbuster Prometheus, which featured Skye’s jagged hills and the Old Man of Storr. Another must-see in Skye are the famous fairy pools, which gets attention from all over the world. One blogger, Francesca Harper,...