free world tour

How to do World Travel For Free - Travel Tips

WORLD TRAVEL is cheap and easy. In fact, with a little practice and effort, you can travel for free. The idea that travel is expensive and difficult is bullshit peddled by tour companies, hotel chains, and corporate media. The tourism industry wants you to buy cruise packages and stay at all-inclusive resorts. They want you to choose a world travel experience the same...


a visit to india

Best Travel Tips for Traveling to India- India Tours Tips

India is all these things, and more. How can you possibly prepare yourself? Start with our tips for taking the ultimate travel plunge: going to India for the first time! Escape the crowds With over a billion locals, many parts of India are certainly crowded. The bustle and mayhem can be fun, particularly if there's a festival in town, but it's easy to...


australia tour

Things to do on Whitehaven Beach- whitehaven Beach Australia

Things to do on Whitehaven Beach Located in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef, Whitehaven Beach is one of the world’s most unspoiled and beautiful beaches. In 2013, it was named the ‘number one beach in Australia’ by the TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Beaches Awards. Things you will love at Whitehaven Beach It’s an easy trip from Hamilton Island Whitehaven Beach is just...


how to travel with cats

How to Travel with Pets - Travel Tips

You may take your four-legged friend with you in the cabin or in the hold of the airplane, depending on the available space on board. We know your pet is an important member of your family, and that's why we aim to make their trip as comfortable and as safe as your own. Before embarking on the adventure with your pet, bear in...


Best Travel Tips that You Should Really Know

Best Travel Tips that You Should Really Know

Some little secrets you learn on the way, like making sure you find a map at the airport before you leave and always throwing spare plastic bags into your suitcase for dirty clothes. But we decided to save you time. Here’s our ultimate travel advice list. Have we missed any? Let us know. ·       Roll your clothes when packing. No creases and more...


Best Travel Tips for Traveling with kids or toddlers

Best Travel Tips for Traveling with kids or toddlers

Travelling with children can be a bit like taking a herd of wild goats on holiday. Whether they’re your own or someone else’s, factoring a child’s needs into your travels involves a lot more than sticking on a CD full of pop music and making toilet stops. Here two Rough Guides writers share their hard-won wisdom. First up, mum of two Hayley Spurway...


europe travel tips

Travel Tips for Solo Women Travelers in Europe

Travel Tips for Solo Women Travelers in Europe Every year, thousands of women, young and old, travel to Europe on their own. You can, too, by using the same good judgment you use at home. Begin with caution and figure out as you travel what feels right to you. Create conditions that are likely to turn out in your favor, and you'll have...